Produkte von La Praline Scandinavia AB
We ensure the quality of our products through certification, we were IP-certified already in 2014, which already means a lot. Since 2020-02-12, however, we have upgraded to FSSC22000, which is an international standard that requires very high demands on routines within production and traceability of the products. Since 2021-02-01, we have also updated this certificate to the latest version (ver. 5).
With our own production, we are reducing the external environment because we avoid long and unnecessary transports.
Means a lot to everyone because it means reduced transports, reduced pollution and more jobs in Sweden.
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La Praline Scandinavia AB La Praline Trüffel: Fancy Truffles Seasalt Zum Produkt
Skandinavische 'Meersalz' Trüffel-Pralinen (ohne Alkohol) So schmecken Geschenke, die cremig, hygge und edel sind! echte Meerespralinen, die Deine Liebsten verzaubern cremig-salziger Schoko-Geschmack, der zum Lächeln einlädt ohne Alkohol...
Inhalt 0.2 Kilogramm (34,75 € * / 1 Kilogramm)
6,95 € *
Artikel-Nr.: SW11201
La Praline Scandinavia AB La Praline Trüffel: Fancy Truffles Seasalt in Dose Zum Produkt
Skandinavische 'Meersalz' Trüffel-Pralinen (ohne Alkohol) - in dekorativer Metalldose So schmecken Geschenke, die cremig, hygge und edel sind! echte Meerespralinen, die Deine Liebsten verzaubern cremig-salziger Schoko-Geschmack, der zum...
Inhalt 0.2 Kilogramm (49,75 € * / 1 Kilogramm)
9,95 € *
Artikel-Nr.: SW11195